As I told you recently in the Apprising Ministries piece Emergent Monastic Communities, Apprising Ministries, and A Wild Goose Chase the neo-liberal cult openly operating within the Emerging Church aka the Emergent Church would end up acting like a Trojan Horse when evangelicalism brought it inside its walls.

Unfortunately it unloaded the corrupt Counter Reformation Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM), such as that spread by sinfully ecumenical neo-Gnostics like Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster along with his spiritual twin Dallas Willard, into the younger sectors of the visible church.

Far from dead, with what you’re about to see below, we find out the EC is about to essentially reenact this scene from The Blues Brothers:

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We begin at the blog of EC apostate Dr. Tony Jones, “theologian in residence” at the church social gathering of his equally apostate “pastor” Doug Pagitt. Jones tells us in Brian McLaren, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Lauren Winner, Shane Hipps, Bruce Reyes-Chow, Lillian Daniel, and Mark Scandrette Walk Into a Bar… 

I am extremely proud of this product for congregational study and adult faith formation. The video below is the first sneak peek. To find out more info when it becomes available this summer, sign up HERE. (source)

As we click “here” we end up at something called Animate Faith:

We see some familiar names again intersect as interlocking concentric circles of apostasy. Notice that Shane Hipps, the recently resigned teaching pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church, has shown his true postmodern liberal colors by hooking up with this new form of Progressive Christian theology.

This is a Liberalism 2.0—a theological poison—these rebels against the final authority of God’s Word often refer to as “big tent” Christianity, which comprises their mythology of Emergence Christianity. As you can see, these emerging snakes are now trying to slither into your Adult groups and Sunday School classes.

Let me show you a bit more about the emerging mythology of Animate by taking you thorough the promotional video Tony Jones linked to in his post above:

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So we see that Animate is being billed as, “A new faith formation series for adults.” However, what we’re actually going to get here with this project is the continuation of their emerging formation of a new version of postmodern progressive Christianity, which is neither progressive nor Christian.

As far as Brian McLaren telling us that adults are dying “to talk and not just listen,” this is the postmodern version of Bible studies where people are asked, “What does this verse mean to you?” For such as these though it’s then expanded to, “What parts of Christianity do you like and which parts do we get rid of?”

However, just as we don’t get to tell the Author of Scripture what His Word means, we also don’t get to create our own individual Christianities that we happen to like:

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No, you’re not like “every other minister in the world” because you’re not even a minister in the eyes of God. If you didn’t know, this is the “Rev.” Dr. Lillian Daniels:

the Senior Minister of the First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn since 2004… She is the author of the book, Tell It Like It Is: Reclaiming the Practice of Testimony, which is the story of one church’s attempt to get main-line Protestants to talk to each other about God. (source)

Notice she is pastrix of a mainline church, i.e. liberal/progressive. As such, we would be glad more people don’t show up to sit under her “ministry.” This next segment from Shane Hipps is a good illustration of what I said earlier about people forming their own Christianites:

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Um, wha? Commitment “to a center.” What does a phrase like that even mean? Well, in the warped world that’s the spiritual Twilight Zone of the Emerging Church, it works out to be, those reluctant to “be categorized theologically” then merely put together a Christianity just as one would a patchwork quilt.

I may be wrong but much of the background footage appears to have been shot at Doug Pagitt’s gathering place. This wouldn’t be surprising when you consider his books are used by Spark House, from which Animate slithers forth. (( Reinventing the Christian faith is what Animate is really about:

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By the way, that’s “queer inclusive” ELCA pastrix and former “professional f**k-up,” Nadia Bolz-Weber along with the aforementioned Lillian Daniels doing all the talking about “conversations,” “not spoon-feeding” answers and the greatness of “a lot of questions.” Isn’t it interesting how snakes need to hide in the weeds and the shadows.

I mean, we wouldn’t want to get to “dumping information on” people prior to our propaganda of postmodern liberalism taking its full effect. Bolz-Weber is obviously excited about “the absolute genius” of bringing all the writers of Animate’s mythology together in one room; which you can see also includes the heretical Tony Jones.

As I close this out. for now, all doubt that Animate is anything else but a destructive pod of postmodern progressive liberal “big tent” Emergence Christianity designed to release its poisonous spores within your evangelical church is the direct involvement of Living Spiritual Teacher and EC guru Brian McLaren; after-all:

“Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?” (Amos 3:3)

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Further reading