Thoughts upon sin that I read this morning from Thomas Watson in his book titled: “A Body of Divinity”
What is sin?
1) Sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4)
What is the nature of sin?
1) It is a defiling thing
2) It grieves the Spirit of God
3) Sin is an act of rebellion against God
4) Sin is an act of falsehood and unkindness
5) Sin is a disease
6) Sin is an irrational thing
7) Sin is a painful thing
8 ) Sin is the only thing God has an antipathy (hatred) against
Writing later in this section upon the evil of sin Watson says, “The evil of sin is not so much seen in that one thousand are damned for it, as that Christ died for it.”
God hates sin. Christ was slaughtered upon a tree and absorbed the full wrath of God to pay sins penalty.
The Spirit of God is grieved over sin. How is it that confessors of Christianity can trivialize sin?
What are the effects of sin?
1) It degrades us of our honor
2) It disquiets the peace of the soul
3) It produces all temporal evil
4) If it is not repented of it will bring a final damnation
5) It destroys marriages
6) It destroys families
7) It destroys friends
8 ) It is the very thing that identifies people so closely to the devil
I pray that this day you will consider the evilness of sin and its effects upon our lives and bask in the awesome beauty of the cross of Christ and that you will focus this day upon giving Him glory for the great thing He has done.
J. Randall Easter, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Briar, Azle, TX.
II Timothy 2:19
“He who sells cheapest shall have most customers; the devil knows that it is a cheap and easy doctrine which pleases the flesh, and he doubts not but he shall have customers enough.” (Thomas Watson)
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