
For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. (Hebrews 6:4-6)

Evangelicals Taught Contemplative Spirituality From An Apostate Who Left The Faith Through It

When Apprising Ministries first came online along the Internet Front of this Truth War nearly ten years ago now I was led of the Lord to begin covering the rise of the Emerging Church, aka the Emergent Church as it related to my documenting The Falling Away of the Evangelical Church community.

The truth is, foolish spiritually spineless evangelical leaders so in lust for the approval of the world would embrace to EC only to find out too late that it was a Trojan Horse. It would turn out to be one from which corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM),  would be unloaded.

CSM is a resurrection of Roman Catholic mysticism masquerading as spurious Spiritual Formation a la Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster and his late spiritual twin Dallas Willard, Sadly, CSM is now about to be added to evangelicalism’s charismatic excesses.

Nothing good will come of it because this spiritually lethal combination truly is a recipe for apostasy and a false sense of Christian unity. You need to remember that the EC had this spurious CSM as a core doctrine, which is a major reason why it has been sinfully ecumenical from its launch by Satan.

One of the main areas under seige is evangelicalism’s position concerning apostate Roman Catholicismfor example, consider this lunacy in the Lord’s Name: Southern Baptists Assist the Roman Catholic Church to Infiltrate Evangelicalism, as if the Reformation was a mistake.

However, as I’ve told you many times, the Protestant Reformation was centered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the very heart of the Christian mission; and it’s critical for you to remember here that The Roman Catholic Church Hasn’t Changed Its Condemnation Of  The Gospel.

Against this proper backdrop let me remind you that yesterday I showed you Contemplative/Centering Prayer Today at Catalyst Conference during a lab held  at Catalyst in Dallas, which was entitled Find Out Who You Really Are: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer and led by Phileena Heuertz. ((This is her Catalyst) bio page:, accessed 5/2/14.))


Heuertz is a “Founding Partner” of something called the Gravity Center and bills herself as a “Spiritual Director and Contemplative Retreat Guide. ((, accessed 5/2//14.)) In other words, she’s a guru of CSM and instructor of its meditation in an altered form of consciousness called Contemplative/Centering Prayer (CCP).

You may also find it interesting to know that the other Founding Partner of the Gravity Center (GC) happens to be Heuertz’ husband Chris, ((Brad Lomenick, Director of Catalyst, says of Chris Heuertz — “Chris connects with any audience and provides stories, examples and “thoughts from the front lines” because he’s truly living out what he believes. We’ve had him speak at multiple Catalyst events, and he delivers every time. I highly recommend you consider Chris!”:, accessed 5/2/14.)) while among  founding board members we find apostate Roman Catholic priests, and major CSM gurus, Thomas Keating and Richard Rohr. ((, accessed 5/2/14.))

Lord willing, I’ll have more on all of this later, but for now, I just wanted to give you a clearer idea of who it is that was instructing attendees in CCP at this major mainstream evangelical conference. Phileena Heuertz is also author of Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life.

By the way, this book is published by InterVarsity Press. Now we won’t find it surprising that Heuertz has partnered with Roman Catholics like Thomas Keating and Richard Rohr, who are Christian Universalists, because you’re about to hear her explain that she “grew up in the evangelical tradition.”

But wait, there’s more; for you see, Heuertz goes on to tell us that “in my adult life I came into the [Roman] Catholic Church.” What you’ll see actually describes her journey through CSM and CCP from a professing Protestant to a full-on apostate Roman Catholic mystic ((, accessed 5/2/14.)) in this clip below:

This is who was teaching ostensibly evangelicals yesterday at Catalyst, Dallas. In closing this, for now, here’s Phileena Heuertz’ message Forgiveness through Contemplative Prayer at  the April 10, 2013 Chapel at Biola University:. Best brace yourself for this coming wave of CSM, which may even usher in the One World Religion:

Further reading