Unfortunately, not because IHOP has acknowledged that the Roman Catholic Church is apostate.

Apprising Ministries brought this sinful ecumenicism to your attention in IHOP To Partner With Roman Catholics For Upcoming Onething Conference.

There CRN Associate Editor Erin Benziger told us:

The slide of the visible church down the slippery slope of compromise continues to gain momentum as ecumenism and syncretism replace sound doctrine and fidelity to the truth.

Much of this compromise ultimately leads many back to Rome through such mystical, New Age practices as contemplative prayer as experience triumphs over objective truth.

The International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City is one such group that has elevated and encouraged participants to seek mystical experiences with God as validation of one’s faith.

This year, IHOP will demonstrate how easily such things align with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as the annual IHOP Onething Conference promises and boasts of the inclusion of a Catholic track at this year’s gathering.

An announcement on the website of Keith Major reads as follows:

The International House of Prayer is partnering with Steubenville Conferences in the first ever Catholic track at Onething in the Kansas City Convention Center this December 28-31. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Scott Hahn, Ralph Martin, Mike Bickle, Misty Edwards, Matt Maher, Audrey Assad and others will be sharing.

Join with over 25,000 attendees as this year’s theme is Encountering Jesus & His Transforming Power through living out the Sermon on the Mount. ((, accessed 11/17/12.))

Keith Major is the Coordinator of Marketing at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is a former Protestant who ostensibly found his way back to Rome. ((, accessed 11/17/12.)) Prior to his current position, he served on staff at IHOP, working alongside director Mike Bickle. ((, accessed 11/17/12.))

Now over at we find out :


HT: Herescope

Further reading