Christian Research Network is a sister work of Apprising Ministries. Today CRN Associate Editor Erin Benziger of Do Not Be Surprised… tells us that two-time Elephant Room veteran and popular evangelical prophet-leader Steven Furtick has released his second book.

Note carefully the names of those who are already raving about his pragmatic Seeker Drivien mythology:

There has been much hype surrounding Steven Furtick’s new book, Greater, which releases today. Furtick is the pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He also is the author of Sun Stand Still, a book and sermon series which led to “audacious faith” becoming a commonly used phrase among many professing Christians.

In a video posted yesterday, Furtick explains that while Sun Stand Still was about audacious faith and daring “to ask God for the impossible,” Greater is about “living an audacious life” and “igniting a vision that only God can accomplish.” The release of this book is even being celebrated as “Greater Day” on Furtick’s Elevation Network.

Other sites have aptly demonstrated that Steven Furtick has been influenced by and greatly admires many teachers of the Word Faith heresy. Not only has he seemingly developed a friendship with prosperity preacher Rod Parsley, it also recently was reported that Furtick preached at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church.

Furtick is on record as calling Osteen a “great man of God” and, as evidenced by this video at Apprising Ministries, Osteen has been influencing Steven Furtick perhaps longer than many realized:

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Greater already has been endorsed by some rather well-known names from the megachurch, seeker-driven and prosperity camps. Among these names are Jentezen Franklin, Craig Groeschel, Stovall Weems, Christine Caine, Israel Houghton, James MacDonald, Perry Noble, Jack Graham, Dino Rizzo and Ed Young.

Many of these individuals also participated in Furtick’s Code Orange Revival in January of this year. Twitter also has been abuzz with endorsements from various familiar, yet perhaps caution-inducing names. Among these is Rick Warren, who last night expressed how proud he is of Steven Furtick and his latest book:


All of this should cause one to approach Greater with caution and prayerful discernment, realizing that Steven Furtick at times takes great liberties with the biblical text, resulting in poor hermeneutics, allegorization and eisegesis.

Those who undertake to read this book should do so with a Bible in one hand, always returning to the Scripture and remembering the three most important rules of interpretation: context, context, context.

Further reading