While taking at shot at, my friend and the founder of Christian Research Net, Ingrid Schlueter over at Bore’s Boar’s Head Tavern, possibly purposely, Lutheran priest Paul McCain first misrepresents her fine ministry Slice of Laodicea and then whines:

I’m thinking that people who spend nearly every waking moment on a “crusade” to point out all that is wrong in the Church today are probably transferring some pretty deeply seated emotional/psychological problems.

But it got me to thinking. Where is the line between pathological negativity and the necessary identification of error? And it got me to thinking, when am I so caught up in finding wrong that I miss what is right? (Online source)

Well, in turn it also got me to thinking. Where is the line between pathological positivity and the unnecessary non-identification of error in the evanjellyfish world? And it ought to get them to thinking, “when am I so caught up in finding alleged good that I miss what is so obviously wrong?”

HT: Gossip Coffee Klatch.Info