The Lord be praised. Through this attack, and even though Apprising Ministries literally just turned two years old, yesterday alone AM had over 16,000 hits.

The following is from Jim Lupacchino of Watcher’s Lamp on the Churchianity Christianity Today article “Attack Dogs of Christendom” by David Aikman:

Just another example of why publishing houses should not be viewed as sources of Biblical Truth, no matter which denomination it claims association:

Christianity Today Magazine shows it’s politically-correct colors and disdain for Biblical discernment in this piece, Attack Dogs of Christendom

“Leading the charge against alleged ecumenists is Apprising Ministries (AM), a New Hampshire-based group whose leader is Southern Baptist pastor Ken Silva. Rick Warren, according to AM, is a ‘milquetoast.’ Schuller and the late Norman Vincent Peale are ‘the devil’s duo.’ Richard Foster (a leading Quaker writer on Christian spirituality), Brian McLaren (a leader in the emerging church movement), and Joel Osteen (pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston) are ‘vipers of new evangelicalism’ and ‘whitewashed tombs.’ ”

True Discernment weighs in with this….

“Apparently Discernment Web Sites are Attack Dogs? You know things are pretty bad in the world of Evangelical Christianity when one of its leading publications doesn’t [sic] understand why there has been such a growth in discernment web sites in the last five years, its because Evangelical Christianity has went [sic] down the tubes!”

Read Silva’s response here

Thank God for the few God-fearing men like Pastor Ken Silva who stand and fight for the only Truth that can set the captives free.