Wow; that sure works for me! An emerging church nemesis of mine named Carlos Shelton (aka “iggy”) has called for a day of prayer and fasting for me in order that God might set me free from…ah, well–whatever it is that he personally dislikes about me. Shelton is an emerging Christian who heads up “a discussion group called wordofmouthdiscussions.” It used to be known as “ministries” but apparently now it’s simply a discussion group.

He also runs “iggyROCKS! Christian Radio live365” and informs us that he’s “on the leadership team at Billings Vineyard Church” along with his wife. But hey, I’ll take all the prayer I can get because it is the single most powerful weapon God has given Christ’s Church in this Truth War. Far from coming to an end God’s true soldiers know that the War is, in very fact, about to escalate.

Yet in his post iggy writes:

I’ve decided that Tuesday the 28th of August will be the day.

Please join us to pray and fast for Ken Silva to be blessed of God and in the greater hope to end this so called Truth War…

“Blessed are the peace makers.” ~ Jesus The Messiah

(Online source).

“Therefore repent; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of My mouth.” – Christ Jesus the Lord of Glory