There are many of those within the new evangelical camp and the emerging church who consider Apprising Ministries a “watch dog” blog. In fact Dan Kimball refers to us as ill-tempered poodles snarling and barking at famile. While we make no such claim it is Interestingly to see how those who place up in that category bemoan the alleged “harsh” tone and the supposedly “unChrist-like” behavior we exhibit.

Would that same standard apply in the case of one of their own? Well, here is a post from Trailmakers by “Journey Church Lead Pastor” Adam Mayfield which he lovingly refers to those of us also at Christian Research Net and pastor Paul Walker specifically as Dumb, Dumb People. We say that’s between him and the Lord he claims to represent, however, to be fair it would seem that his so Christ-like new evangelical brothers ought to at least hold him to the same standard of behavior they wish to hold us to.

In the above post pastor Mayfield says, and then asks: “if I wrote demeaning, attacking, un-logical, un-biblical dribble like this, I would STILL leave my comments on. Do people actually [sic] listen to these people?” Perhaps this might be a good time for readers of AM and CRN to drop by and answer his question. After all, he did ask…

*Update* Pastor Adam Mayfield has added another post Oh the madness… to clarify that even though the previous piece is called “Dumb, Dumb People” – “my post was not meant to be an attack at you, or even your message, but honestly at the heart of your communication which leads you to be Pope, and us to be just readers of your interpretation and hermeneutic and not brothers trying to figure this thing out together.”

And then – “The tone of my post was not intended to be mean spirited, but since it was taken that way, I need to work on my communication skills.” At least we will find agreement in his second point…