As happens many times when someone appears to get away with something they just can’t seem to leave well enough alone and oftentimes will keep the issue alive until someone else ends up looking into it further thus revealing the guilt. This may turn out to be one such time. Here at Apprising Ministries I have previously dealt with the key issues involved with Rick Warren claiming to be the pastor of pornographer “brother” Rupert Murdoch in Rick Warren, As Rupert Murdoch’s Pastor When Are You Going To Publicly Rebuke Murdoch For His Exploitation Of Women? It appeared the issue was dying the death of apathy…until today.

Apparently Christian Today is becoming another pawn for the Purpose Driven PR machine and its Saddleback censors as they "report" that:

Saddleback Church in California has responded to a number of conservative Christians in the US after they condemned the church’s leader, Purpose-Driven author Pastor Rick Warren, for not disciplining Rupert Murdoch over his plans to run porn channels in Europe… [David] Chrzan said that any attempt on the part of Pastor Warren "to exercise biblical authority he doesn’t have would be presumptuous and inappropriate…with regard to his ‘obligations’ to admonish Mr. Murdoch, he has no jurisdiction over him. Even if Mr. Murdoch were a member of Saddleback, any spiritual counsel would be private and personal – not public,” he said.

Men and women, here is just another example–in a long line of examples–of the Saddleback Spin Doctors as we read, “any spiritual counsel would be private and personal – not public.” This is the red herring diversion. As one of those “conservative Christians” referenced above I am not saying that the “spiritual counsel” should be public, that is a whole other issue. But what I am saying here is that Rick Warren claims he is Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and Rick Warren himself said that this kind of public sin itself must be publicly rebuked.

And so I hereby also publicly insist as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that Warren live up to his own words:

Sin is to be confessed only as widely as it affects others. Private sin requires only private confession to God. Personal sin that involves others requires interpersonal confession to the people involved. Public sins (those that affect a large group of people in our congregation) regrettably must be dealt with publicly as a warning to others.
(Online source, emphasis added)

And so Rick Warren, as a fellow Southern Baptist pastor, I warn you in the Lord that  you are a hypocrite until you either admit you are not "brother" Rupert Murdoch’s pastor or you publicly rebuke him for his blatant sin of perpetrating pornography and for his exploitation of women. And this must be done publicly because you Rick Warren have yourself publicly claimed that you are the pastor of a pornographer.