The past couple of days have seen Apprising Ministries bring to your attention Rick Warren Tweets His Foot Into His Mouth…Again and Is Rick Warren On A Quest To Appear Foolish?

Basically sinfully ecumenical Southern Baptist pastor Rick Warren has been outdoing himself the past couple of days with some of his most curious tweets, to put it mildly.

Here’s the latest peculiar tweet from Rick Warren:


Is Rick Warren serious; it would appear so. Psalm 22 is clearly a Messianic work testifying of Christ as the great Bible commentator Matthew Henry brings out:

The Spirit of Christ, which was in the prophets, testifies in this psalm, as clearly and fully as any where in all the Old Testament, “the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow’’ (1 Pt. 1:11 ); of him, no doubt, David here speaks, and not of himself, or any other man.

Much of it is expressly applied to Christ in the New Testament, all of it may be applied to him, and some of it must be understood of him only. The providences of God concerning David were so very extraordinary that we may suppose there were some wise and good men who then could not but look upon him as a figure of him that was to come.

But the composition of his psalms especially, in which he found himself wonderfully carried out by the spirit of prophecy far beyond his own thought and intention,… (source)

Over at Stand For The Truth in Pastor Rick Warren: Please Keep Tweeting writer Aspree gives us much cause for concern about one of the SBC’s most influential pastors:

For some time now, we’ve been warning about the Secular Humanism creeping into the Church and corrupting biblical truth. Humanism sees sin at the edge or periphery of human life. It considers human beings to be basically good. Now it appears that Rick Warren, America’s Pastor, whose tweets are read and shared by thousands of his followers, wholeheartedly embraces this idea…

This tweet seems to be saying he disagrees with God about our depravity without a savior. He quoted this Scripture:  “But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people.” (ESV), but appears to shame those who would believe that God’s Word is truth. (source)

The truth is, far from “self-pity,” as John Calvin—one of the Lord’s most respected Church Reformers—correctly taught:

By these words of the prophet we are furnished with a sufficient refutation of the frivolous subtlety of those who have philosophised upon the word worm, as if David here pointed out some singular mystery in the generation of Christ; whereas his meaning simply is, that he had been abased beneath all men, and, as it were, cut off from the number of living beings.

The fact that the Son of God suffered himself to be reduced to such ignominy, yea, descended even to hell, is so far from obscuring, in any respect, his celestial glory, that it is rather a bright mirror from which is reflected his unparalleled grace towards us. (source)

In closing this, for now, yesterday Warren tweeted this verse — For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive (Romans 16:18).

Like I’ve said before, it’s my opinion that Rick Warren is quite fortunate he lives in this time of postmodernism where people are too confused and naive to see through his own man-centered smooth talk and flattery. 

Further reading