I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 3:14)

Palmer Hartsough wrote a hymn from this versed called, “I Am Resolved.”  In this hymn he captures the heart of the true believer.  The true believer has lost interest in the worlds delights and has set his sight upon things that are much higher. 

The believer has fallen in love with Jesus and has become diametrically opposed to sin.  Following Jesus is the joy of the believer.  The believer is set upon entering the Kingdom even if friends oppose him or foes beset him.  The believer is not only resolved to enter the Kingdom, but will seeking for others to join him. 

The apostle Paul says that he will ‘press on’ in verse 12 and verse 14.  The Greek word for ‘press’ means: ‘to impel,’ ‘to set in rapid motion,’ ‘to journey,’ ‘to ride,’ ‘to march,’ ‘to row,’ or generally ‘to hasten.’  What is Paul pressing on unto? 

The context of the chapter reveals that he is pressing on to be found in Christ, not with a righteousness of his own, but with the righteousness of Christ.  This righteousness in Christ that Paul is talking about is to be found by faith and not by works of the law.  Paul claims that he has not already obtained this nor become perfect (vs. 12), but he presses own because Christ has made him his own.

Paul is a man who saw the righteousness of God before him and has forsaken all to have that righteousness.  There is nothing else that will satisfy his heart.  It is the mature that think this way.  The mature are those who know that they belong to Christ and He is their righteousness, but at the same time this truth does not make them apathetic. 

The believer, who has Christ as his righteousness, presses on day by day with increasing urgency to fully grasp the prize that is set before him.  Justifying faith is a faith that compels the believer to abandon all the things of this world to press on for the world to come.  The believer is not deterred by friends who oppose him nor is he dissuaded by foes that would beset him. 

The believer is like the horse that has smelled home and pinned his ears back and begun to run with heartfelt passion to get to the barn.  The believer has taken hold of Him and will not let go. Dearly beloved, I pray that by faith you have entered into the righteousness of Christ and that as a result of entering into His righteousness you will pursue him with total resolve.  Press on dear saint for the glory of God.

J. Randall Easter, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Briar, Azle, TX.
II Timothy 2:19
“He who sells cheapest shall have most customers; the devil knows that it is a cheap and easy doctrine which pleases the flesh, and he doubts not but he shall have customers enough.” (Thomas Watson)