In A “Christian” Agnostic Responds to Dr. John MacArthur’s Assessment of the Emerging Church here at Apprising Ministries I introduced you to Shane Magee of something called Fake Republic. As I pointed out previously Magee himself tells us that he’s “a struggling follower of jesus christ” as well as: “just finished a masters in applied theology and am now a full-time fake devotee!”

No argument here; from what I’ve seen and heard so far from this struggler I would have to agree with his self-assessment that he is “now a full-time fake devotee!” Magee has posted a response today at FR where he comments on reaction to his response to Dr. John MacArthur’s dead on target statements regarding the neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church.

Magee informs us:

well the last couple of days have been filled with bizarre encouragement. firstly my response to john macarthur’s rant against the emergent movement (part one and part two) drew quite a bit of attention. the guys over at truth matters posted a link. in the comments which follow i am described as “the epitome of what is wrong with the emergent church” and “an arrogant young man [who] needs our prayers.” (Online source) and (Online source)

Below I have placed the video clip of Magee’s rebuttal to MacArthur, such as it is, so that you may hear for yourself his arrogant emerging church arguments. Watch as Magee begins with an open dismissal of, and a complete disdain for, John MacArthur’s earned credentials.

So I encourage you once again to listen for yourself to Magee’s gelatinous gibberish. Then you’ll see exactly how this Emergent “Christian” agnostic argues how difficult the Bible is to understand using the same lines of non-reasoning as would an unbelieving skeptic: