In his March 28th column at Al Mohler.com Dr. Mohler writes, “Former President Jimmy Carter is at it once again. In a recent interview with Beliefnet.com, Mr. Carter stated once again his belief that there is salvation outside of faith in Christ… What could be worse than getting the Gospel wrong?” To be honest; absolutely nothing. Perhaps we may still recall a little thing called the Protestant Reformation which was about this vital issue – the very heart of the Gospel itself.

When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan. A man who loves wisdom makes his father glad, But he who keeps company with harlots wastes his wealth. (Proverbs 29:2-3, NASB)

Evangelical Leaders Have Reached A Point Of Deadly Fatigue In Defending Truth

So what then are we to say about a man like Dr. Al Mohler, whom the Lord Himself has placed in such a prominent position within the Southern Baptist Convention? The SBC is allegedly the largest “Protestant” group in the country, and yet Dr. Mohler can’t even write me privately–let alone saying anything publicly–while SBC President Dr. Frank Page encourages his “Jesus Convention” to climb in bed with the decidedly anti-Reformation and highly ecumenical Emergent Church.

It now appears that Dr. Mohler’s able to take on sitting ducks like Jimmy Carter but while celebrity hound Ed Young, Jr. brings Oneness Pentecostal heretic and Word Faith money changer T.D. Jakes into a very prominent SBC church, again we hear nothing but speculation about alleged gay babies. Young has even shown clips of Jakes’ preaching at his foolish C3 conferences during regular worship at Fellowship Church (SBC) for the second year in a row. And not only has this occurred but Ed Young also shared the pulpit in Jakes’ Potter’s House itself as well.

Perhaps Dr. Mohler might listen to his own words from the back of my copy of Dr. John MacArthur’s most important book, The Truth War, “he is armed with the courage to confront this age with a bold defense of truth…” How about you Dr. Mohler? Will you follow the example of your friend and find the courage to confront this growing Emergent cult of new liberal theology in our own SBC? And will you please speak out against Ed Young sharing the pulpit with T.D. Jakes, a man who believes in another god and another Jesus.

In Dr. John MacArthur Speaks As A Man Of God I offer a clip from God Tube where Dr. MacArthur not only exhorts us on to be godly men but he clearly demonstrates by example how one confronts error head on as well. May we pray Dr. Mohler and other leaders in the rapidly apostatizing and quite Emergent $$$Southern Baptist Convention$$$ will see what we need them to do for us.