The great evangelist D.L. Moody (1837–1899), a real man of God, once gave some advice that is so apt for this gellatinous generation so heavily influenced as it is by emerging Christian agnostics who denigrate God’s inerrant, infallible and unchanging Word in the Bible such as Brian McLaren, Emergent prophet Tony Camplo and Rob Bell. Moody said:

A great man people say, you must hear both sides; but if a man should write me a most slanderous letter about my wife, I don’t think I would have to read it; I would tear it up and throw it to the winds. Have I to read all the infidel books that are written, to hear both sides? Have I to take up a book that is slander on my Lord and Master, Who has redeemed me with His blood? Ten thousand times no! I will not touch it.

Great advice from a man who was not “formally” educated, who surely believed in experience with God and yet still measured every experience by God’s Word. I’d say the Lord’s testimony from history concerning the “kingdom work” done in the power of Christ by Dwight Lyman Moody speaks volumes when compared to current leaders with the Ecumenical Church of Deceit of new evangelicalism and the long apostate Church of Rome, her proud and self-righteous mother.